Robert Langer: | Documentation by the means of geophysical prospection and survey sections at the example of a Roman site in Überlingen-Bambergen, Bodenseekreis, Gewann „Heusteig“ | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The aim of this dissertation is to document an endangered Roman site, known since 1881, next to Überlingen am Bodensee (Germany). The documentation is to be carried out by the means of geophysical prospection and survey sections. First the area to be investigated is determined more exactly by air photographs and is marked tachymetrically by a grid. Then a geomagnetic and geoelectric prospection is to be carried out. The records gathered are loaded onto a digital cadastral plan, redrawn, and mapped with regards to their relative importance. Once this is completed, eight selected survey sections help to review the results of the geophysical survey. The review focuses on the preservation of features. The final result shows the remains of a villa rustica from the Imperial Roman Period that can be dated back as far as the early 2 nd century up to the 1 st third of the 3 rd century AD. |
Schlagworte: | : Imperial Roman Period, villa rustica, geophysical prospection, vectorial data processing, survey sections |
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