Julia Hans: | Excavation technologies for wall painting fragments regarding for later conservation and restoration measures - A comparative study to the experiences of the last 40 years - | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The thesis busies itself on more theoretically level with technologies for the excavation of wall paintings. A comparing study presents developments regarding the rescue technologies in the last 40 years, and furthermore the importance of the excavation technology for later preservation and restoration measures. Consideration find the three large groups of excavation-technologies, that of wall painting fragments out of the earth and of wall paintings „IN SITU“, in the removal one by means of the mortar, (DISTACCO-A- INTONACO-EXCAVATION, shortly „STACCO“ named) and the excavation of wall paintings „IN SITU“, which means the removal of the fresco skin (DISTACCO-A-STRAPPO-EXCAVATION, shortly „STRAPPO“ named). In the frame of the thesis it is also discussed the question when the case exists, in which the decision should be encountered, to left the object in the protecting earth. If paintings are transfered into a museum after the excavation or removal and are not going to be presented „IN SITU“,they are torn completely out of its original connection. Usually subjects are only interesting and the original building and/or its original connection device in oblivion. Tests of Covering-Systems, that came before more than 40 years to the use, busy itself with the questions how these materials behave today with regard to its reversibility. |
Schlagworte: | architecture bandage of ground findings, excavation, excavation- technologies, Stacco, Strappo, fragment, ground / soil, Covering-System, Polyurethan-foam |
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Kontakt: |
Julia Hans juliahans@[Diesen Teil loeschen]aol.com |
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