Carmen Gütschow: | Methods for treatment of unfired and fired clay tablets – yesterday and today | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | Subject of this thesis is the treatment of unfired and fired clay tablets. As practical examples, six cuneiform tablets with manifestations of damage typical of a museal collection were chosen. For a better understanding of the problems involved in the treatment of these objects, an introduction into the material clay and especially the characteristics of chalky clay is given. Fundamental measures of restoration such as the firing of clay tablets in order to facilitate subsequent desalination are discussed. Special emphasis was placed on different firing schedules. Black spots present on ceramic artefacts were examined and identified as manganese accumulations. Finally, an overview of common adhesives and consolidants used for the conservation of clay tablets is given. |
Schlagworte: | clay tablets, chalky clay, firing schedule, desalination, Black spots, manganese accumulation, adhesives and consolidants. |
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