Academic thesis
Milena Mertins: | Between chance and risk - About exposure of profane murals (14th to 16th centuries) in the last 25 years in the Federal Republik of Germany | Back |
Language: | Original - Translation | |
Overview: |
Abstract: | This master thesis deals with the topic of exposure. Based on one current DFG research project on the uncovered medieval murals of the cloister in the Brandenburg Cathedral(Havel), chances and risks of exposure are examined from a conservatory and preservatonist point of view. It focuses on the previously unexplored mural paintings in secular buildings from medieval to modern times, which have been uncovered in the last 25 years. The work discusses possibilites and limits of historical as well as modern exposure methods on the basis of existing technical literature and on the basis of systematic exposure experiments on samples. Furthermore, applied monitoring, conservation strategies and presentation types are presented exemplarily. Based on five of the fourteen recorded and indexed case studies, you will fnd a discourse on the gain with respect to art history and the conservatory risk of exposure. On the basis of the damages and consequental loss, exposure is viewed rather critically concerning its feasibility and reasonableness, and the necessity of long-term conservaton measures and monitoring is pointed out. |
Keywords: | Cathedral of Brandenburg/Havel, mural paintings, exposure, monitoring |
Details: |
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