Academic thesis

Andrea Zurl: Conservation of wall paintings by means of synthetic resins, with particular consideration of the product Paraloid B 72 Back
Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: The present study deals about the use of synthetic termoplastic polymers for the consolidation of wallpaintings. Mainly are observed the properties and the use of the acrylic resin Paraloid B 72. The study shows through the investigations on wallpaintings with aged consolidations in the churches of Biberach/Riß and Gräfenhausen/Pforzheim the nessecarity of the observation of synthetic materials in situ.
Are presented tests in accelerared aging with various climatic cycles and under ultraviolet radiation, in whom are compared the physical behaviour of some synthetic resins used in conservation.


  • academic institution: Technische Hochschule Köln
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Dr. Dasser
  • assistant Tutor:  H. F. Reichwald
  • date:  1999
  • Language:  German
  • pages:  122
Andrea Zurl
andreazurl@[Diesen Teil loeschen]


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