Academic thesis
Rosanna Musehold: | Permanent flattening of four warped, lacquered panels from Eastern Asia | Back |
Language: | Original - Translation | |
Overview: |
Abstract: | Abstract The topic of this thesis is the permanent flattening of four warped panels with a black coating out of a Japanese folding-screen. The comparison of methods used by other Conservators leaded to the decision of undertaking a flattening through vaporous water. The presence of four similar panels enabled a comparison of two different methods, which is why a flattening through the rise of the humidity and with the help of a steam-penetrating membrane was accomplished. Afterwards a stabilization had to be developed for preserving the flattened state of the panels. In this case, the challenge was to find a stabilization that could be integrated into the frame of the folding-screen. |
Details: |
Contact: |
Rosanna Musehold rosannamusehold@[Diesen Teil loeschen] |
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