Academic thesis
Julia Jeserich: | Surface cleaning of paintings and gildings by the use of bread. A historical technique to be verified | Back |
Language: | Original - Translation | |
Overview: |
Abstract: | This thesis deals with the historical technique of surface cleaning of paintings and gildings by the use of bread. Nowadays estimated as rather unorthodox this cleaning method seems to be inapplicable in the modern conservation of arts. Instantly there are associations coming up concerning a growth of mould or the damage of the surface by hard bread crusts. Additionally there is a multitude of modern alternatives available today, like the cleaning sponge 'akapad'. Unfortunately these alternatives turned out not to be an ideal solution, for which reason the cleaning with bread is verified for its use. First of all the theoretical basics are defined, i.e. 'dirt and surface cleaning', 'bread' and 'microorganisms', followed by the description of the carried out tests of surface cleaning of paintings and gildings with bread. The purpose of these tests were the examination of the applicability, of the cleaning effect, of a change in the structure of the surface as well as of a development of residues which could maybe result in the growth of mould. In the end the results are analyzed to provide a new evaluation of this historical technique. |
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