Academic thesis

Lars Zimmermann: The seven crane beams in Cologne’s Museum of City History (Kölner Stadtmuseum). Development of a concept for the conservation and restoration. Back
Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: This thesis develops a concept fort the conservation and restoration of the seven crane beams in Cologne’s Museum of City History (Kölner Stadtmuseum) analysing in depth the example of the Baroque crane beam with putto. It analyses the technology of the paint-layered weathered wooden object. It demonstrates the necessary procedures to conserve the object deteriorated by funghi and insects as well as the damaged paint-layers. The stratigraphical analysis explains the colour design. The thesis designs measures for mounting the crane beam in order to present it within a planned exhibition.


  • academic institution: Technische Hochschule Köln
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Hans Portsteffen
  • assistant Tutor:  Herr Andreas Krupa
  • date:  2007

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