Natalie Schaack: | Architectural surfaces of the New Modernism exemplary discussed on exhibition buildings by Janăk/ Gocăr at Brno (Czech Republic). Development of a conservation/restoration concept including building physics and scientific investigation. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The aim of the dissertation is the documentation of the original building materials of the former exhibition buildings Janãk and Gocãr at the fair of Brno/Cz. Based on the examinations a concept of conservation including recommendations for the handling of the original building substance will be proposed. The former exhibition buildings at the fair in Brno were built within a short period of three months. That was possible because of the use of reinforced concrete construction. In spite of these new building techniques, established building materials were used. The perceptions are based on the historical photographs and plans. The investigation of the architectural history helped to understand the background of the architect´s intensions. Scientific analysis made it possible to get comprehensive knowledge about the composition of the original building materials. The dissertation makes a contribution to the development of a material catalogue of the time of the New Modernism. A documentation of the repairing periods helped to observe the history of the buildings until today. By physical construction examinations the causes of structural damages were defined. The combined examination results give a nearly complete impression of the exhibition buildings at the time of the New Modernism. |
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