Nadja Uhlig: | Restoration of an Eastern Asiatic diadem | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The diadem is a component of Buddhistic wood sculpture (high 1,34 m) of a Daiseishi Bosatsu, Japan 1705. Name and founder of the sculpture as well as date of establishment are known through an inscription. The filigran worked diadem, made up of copper sheet with fire guilding and mercury silvering, glass pealrs as well as two wood slats is well documented. Former restoration attempts have been removed and the position of fragments is reconstructed and corrected so that links of identical could be replaced with transparent Polycarbonate. The connection between the diadem and the sculpture is as all elements slightly seperated however held within afflilated variation. |
Schlagworte: | Buddhistic Age, diadem, copper sheet, Polycarbonat |
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