Jan Krumnow: | Digital documentation of an excavation | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | This thesis describes the possibilities of saving and visual controlling of digital measuring dates in archaeological excavations with two programs, aSPECT 3D and TachyCAD, which are able to measure in real time (online-measuring). The digital data-management of TachyCAD will be explained and configured exemplary for archaeological purpo-ses. The latter part of this work contains an excavation measured by TachyCAD and focuses on geology, history and state of research. The way of documentation is presented and the description of the area is illustrated by digitally made maps. |
Schlagworte: | digital measuring dates, aSPECT 3 D, TachyCAD, excavation, digitally maps |
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