Julia Wicha: | Study and examination of Hallstatt period finds, salvaged en block, by use of computerized tomography | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The results of this dissertation are devoted to the study and examination of Hallstatt period finds, salvaged en block, by use of computerized tomography. Within the block were a belt garniture with a hook linked belt in very poor condition. Included with a description of the functional principals of 3D computerized tomography is also an insight into the spectrum of possible applications which this examination method offers. Both conventional X-ray and computerized tomography examination methods will be performed on the salvaged block resuting in comparative conclusions. Supplementary to this will be an discussion comparing the manual uncovering of the finds from the block with the computerized tomography method. Finally plans for the assembly of the belt set to include a virtual representation created from the computerized tomography data will be portrayed. |
Schlagworte: | Hallstatt period finds, 3D computerized tomography, block, belt garniture |
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