Martina Schmidt: | Roman copper alloy vessels:salvage-conservation – manufacture | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The subject of this paper describes the conservation of two roman copper alloy vessels dating from the first third of the 3. century A.D.. They were uncovered in 1996 during the excavation of a well of the Villa rustica „Im Brückfeld“ in Münzenberg-Gambach. The desciption of the vessels and the excavation site is followed by the concept of the paper. The earth which was left inside the object is then removed. A description of the second vessel and it’s substantial damage follows. The conservation of both vessels is followed by the analytical part of the paper. A short summary and the photographical and graphical segment concludes the paper. |
Schlagworte: | copper alloys (bronze and brass), layered corrosion, lathe-worked vessels, roman table-ware, Villa rustica |
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