Nadja Tillmann: | Modell of a sailing canoe (káep) from Palau Islands, Micronesia, dated before 1907 from the Rautenstrauch-Joest- Museum, Cologne. Conservation of the traditionell sail made of plaited pandanus matting. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | Based on the conservation treatment of the hull and outrigger system of a Modell of a Palau sailing canoe, examination and treatment proposal for the rigging are carried out with the aim to display the canoe with rigged sail. After research on historical and traditional utilization of this type of sail and rig, broken parts of the rigging can be put in order and lost parts can be reconstructed. Based on a technological-conservational analysis of the sail, a method is developed to flexibilize and reshape the rolled up, brittle Pandanus-matting of the sail. Different conservation materials are tested for their application to the missing parts and broken strips of the sail- matting made of plaited pandanus strips. The conservation treatment is carried out by inserting folded japanese tissue lengths (Gampi G2) into the plaited matting, which are held in place by application of a methylcellulose (Culminal MC (R)). |
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