Isa-Katrin Strunk: | Zurück | |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This work elaborates on a survey over the historical development and the usage of fixatives for black chalk and charcoal drawings and their properties before and after artificial ageing by UV-light. The criteria considered in the investigation are effect of fixation, possible colour changes, characteristics of gloss properties, fracture resistance of papers, and pH value. These criteria are studied using five different fixatives prepared according to historical recipes and three modern commercial fixatives that are applied to five paper types and four blacks of the 19th and 20th centuries. The implications deduced from the results for restorative efforts are applied to an exploratory partial restoration of a graphics due to Heinrich Naunen (*1880 Krefeld-…1940 Kalkar). |
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