Nicole Kasparek: | Conservation and restoration of Franconian gravegoods | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The paper describes the conservation of grave goods of a man’s and a woman’s tomb of the Merowingian time. The circumstances of the discovering of the burials are illustrated and the grave finds are integrated into the time of their origin by showing examples of comparison. All finds are described and the conditions before the conservation are recorded. The conservation of the grave goods form one focal point of the dissertation and are presented in a detailed way. Methods and materials are weighed against each other and qualified treatment is carried out at the finds. All measures of conservation are documented extensively. The recognition and distinction of high - tin bronzes opposite tinned bronze surfaces form the second focal point of the dissertation. By showing five finds of the conserved grave finds of the man´s tomb, scientific methods of examination are presented which should prove non - destructive whether it is a question of massive high - tin bronzes or of tinned bronze artifacts. |
Schlagworte: | Merowingian Age, grave goods, high-tin bronzes, tinned bronze surfaces |
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