Stefanie Kappelhoff: | An armring from the collection of the Antikensammlung Berlin | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This work deals with the treatment and technological examination of an armring of unknown origin. Ornamented silver wires and vegetable fibres were attached to a bronze core wire by a coil of another silver wire. The wires end in cylindrical terminals, which are decorated with filigree and an ornament with waterbirds. After examinig the condition of the object using various scientific methods, a suitable technique was chosen to clean the original surface. The fragile state of the vegatible fibres required manual cleaning and in some areas formic acid. The established technological features allowed to assign a date of the late 8th / early 7th century B.C. and Etruscan origin to the armring. |
Schlagworte: | Etruscan Age, armring, coil of silver wires, vegetable fibres |
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