Alexandra Jeberien: | Archaeological amber – Analysis of different strengthening possibilities | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | A comparison of different consolidation treatments on archaeological amber was carried out on amber beads from the late-roman / early migration period. To begin with, structures of detoriated archaeological amber samples were examined by microscope an SEM. This lead to the development of a grading system of detoriation which differentiates between the disintegrated stages of archaeological amber. The following experimental part of the study, included an analysis of the consolidants´performance concerning their penetration and stabilization properties on archaeological amber. Subsequently, the results of the consolidation treatment were evaluated using microscopic and CT-pictures in combination with SEM-prints. Applied to the amber objects from the lateroman period, the resulting experimental investigations were transferred to the conservation treatment. |
Schlagworte: | Archaeological amber, amber objects |
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