Sven Trommer: | The Conservation and Restoration of the Fragments from the so called Dirke-Mosaic of the Civilcity of Aquincum /Budapest in Order to Create a Concept of Measures for the Conservation and Restoration of the of the Whole Remaining Mosaic. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | Damages and destruction on cultural heritage are very often caused by conservation measures which were carried out wrong or not at all. The Roman floormosaic of Aquincum which shows “Punishment Of Dirke” is an example for this kind of problem. This diploma thesis has developed a conception for the conservation and restoration of the whole remaining mosaic using three fragments of the main mosaicpanel as an sample. The restoration measures which were carried out on sample measures and the proposals for presentation are the basis for the following considerations and steps. Research concerning aspects of the history of arts and the history of restoration of the mosaic was done as well. The main emphasis of the theoretical part focussed on new supporting systems for lifted or removed mosaics and their history. Test series on weight reducing and gluing systems for the new supporting system were carried out. |
Schlagworte: | mosaic mosaic restoration floormosaic restoration damages mosaic supports |
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Kontakt: |
Sven Trommer s.trommer@[Diesen Teil loeschen]web.de |
Anmerkung Autor/in: |
Fachliche Betreuung in Ungarn: Dipl.Rest. István Bóna Jr. Dozent am Referat Restaurierung der Akademie der Schönen Künste in Budapest, Ungarn |
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