Isabella Waltriný: | A painted and crumpled shroud fragment from the Egyptian Museum of Berlin. Conservation-Preservation-Identification. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This diploma thesis deals with the conservation of painted, Roman-Egyptian shroud-fragments. Those were not dated, hints concerning their origin, type and finding were missing. The textile itself was heavily crumpled and visualy not explorable. To defold the fragments without damage, humidity was increased, exactly controlled by saturated salt-solutions. In terms of consolidating the powdery paint, distributing the adhesive via mist, caused by a usual medical-care air-pump nebulizer, has improved. The impact of the glue onto the fibres is of decisive relevance. For starch-ethers showed the best results and obtain ideal qualities in that aspect, they are generally recommendable to treat painted, archaeological textiles. To stabilize degraded cellulose-fibres persistently polymer-modified starch seems to suit most probably. |
Schlagworte: | crumpled Roman-Egyptian shroud fragments, enfolding, saturated salt solutions, air-pump nebulizer, starch-ethers |
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