Ulrike Drechsler: | Conservation-Restoration of Iron Age Pottery | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This thesis on the conservation and restoration of ceramics aims at itemizing the commonly used adhesives and supplement materials, to review them and to find alternatives if necessary. Simultaneously, the various methods of consolidation are discussed on the basis of experiments which test the effectiveness of this conservation measure. Following a short introduction to the Hallstadt period (about 750 – 450 B.C.), the results of the preceding research activities are practically applied to two vessels from this period, specifically, to one painted bowl and one graphited step bowl. Special attention is paid to the independent and therefore cost-efficient analyses in the author’s own chemistry laboratory (adhesives, supplement materials, glaze applied during a previous restoration). The objects, salvaged in 1906 in the district of Neumarkt/Upper Palatinate, were provided by the Germanisches National Museum Nuernberg. |
Schlagworte: | Hallstatt Age, ceramics, adhesives, supplement material |
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