Rose Magee: | Restoration and Conservation of a Painted Fragment of Roman Wall Plaster from the City of Duisburg | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The objective of this bachelor thesis is the documentation and consolidation of a fragment of Roman wall painting of the first century AD from the area of present-day Germany. The information gathered during the research could promote studies on the consolidation and conservation of similar artefacts. After the plaster is recovered, it undergoes a series of adaptations to its new environment, which in the case of object 170 from the Duisburg 2017 excavation led to a deterioration of its structural stability. This paper addresses the complex issues facing the documentation of such a fragile porous object, as well as the associated ethical questions of whether the use of non-reversible conservation methods, such as the use of calcium hydroxide consolidation agents, is justified in such a case. Understanding what defines reversible consolidation in the first place is also discussed. The results achieved in this work could be a small step towards improving future consolidating and cleaning agents in this field. |
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