Alexander Walser: | Preservation and Maintenance of Consolidated Archaeological Sites without Shelters based on the Roman Palace of Bruckneudorf(Burgenland) | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The diploma thesis covers the preservation and maintenance of archaeological sites, which are not protected by sheltering roofs. The partly reconstructed Roman Palace of Bruckneudorf serves as an exemplary site, for whose preservation the communal society “Kaiservilla” is responsible. A maintenance and a regular monitoring program will be developed to guarantee a lasting preservation of the Palace. The technological survey and the condition assessment are first steps for this purpose. An easily applicable concept for maintenance shall be elaborated and used for similar archaeological sites, mainly in Austria. |
Schlagworte: | rubble masonry, partly reconstructed, maintenance, monitoring, archaeological sites |
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