Josefin Tönjes: | A late renaissance cabinet-on-stand at the Westfries Museum Hoorn, Noord-Holland - Technological and art historical investigation, condition report, conservation concept | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This work is about a late renaissance cabinet-on-stand in the Westfries Museum Hoorn, Noord-Holland. The object is designed as cabinet of curiosities with a later added stand. It shows an architecturally decorated façade and detailed marquetry with grotesque and figurative motives. The work includes the study of the construction and decoration techniques as well as the art historical context and the object’s history. To show hidden parts a technical drawing is carried out. The materials are macroscopically characterised and based on the acquired results, a couple of later additions can be named. Further information is gained from contact with the former owners, e. g. historic photographs. A significant use of green wood coloured by the fungi chlorociboria is noted. Based on the condition report a concept for conservation treatment is developed. It focuses on consolidation and cleaning. The features of the cabinet suggest specialized craftmanship from possibly Tyrol in the early 17th century. This study aims to give insight into the objects history and stands as a preparation for a planned treatment in the near future. |
Schlagworte: | Cabinet of curiosities, late renaissance, Tyrol, marquetry, chlorociboria |
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