Cordula Redl: | Prehistoric grass- and bast strings from the Hallstatt salt mine, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Investigation – Conservation - Storage | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This diploma thesis addresses the conservation of grass and bast cord fragments from the prehistoric Hallstatt salt mine. The focus of investigation is on finding the gentlest method for desalting and drying the plant fragments. The work first deals with the circumstances of how the finds got into the mine and why they were able to survive there for over 3000 years. This is followed by an inventory and condition report of the collection of comparable objects stored in the NHM depot. Test series for a conservation concept are then carried out and evaluated. Building on this, the method found is exemplarily tested and evaluated on five cords. |
Schlagworte: | prehistoric Hallstatt salt mine, grass, bast, cords, desalination |
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