Felix Schlichtegroll: | State of the herbaria collection of the Kiel University Library with the creation of a maintenance concept | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | Unlike the often elaborately crafted book herbaria, single-leaf herbaria are commonly viewed and treated from a purely scientific point of view. Nowadays DNA analysis of plant material makes them extremely important. The herbaria are therefore often referred to as a DNA archive. However, the background of the history of the collection should not be neglected, even for scientifically used collections, because in addition to the plant documents, the papers, envelopes, labels and folders also contain important scientific information. Therefore, in addition to the necessary conservation and restoration aspects, which are important for the maintenance of a single leaf herbaria collection, this thesis also deals with the condition and damage of the herbarium specimens. The object of this thesis is the general herbarium of the Botanical Institute of the University of Kiel. The author was able to collect a lot of data and information in a sample-like condition assessment, which was then incorporated into a subsequent maintenance concept. |
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Kontakt: |
Felix Schlichtegroll schlichtegrollfelix@[Diesen Teil loeschen]googlemail.com |
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