Lisa Graf: | - | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | When Auschwitz-Birkenau, the biggest nationalsocialist concentration and extermination camp, was liberated on the 27th of January 1945, thousands of personal belongings were found; belongings, which the deportees took with them, expecting the alleged “deportation into the East“, were taken from them in the camp – among these: the umbrellas and parasols. More than 3637 umbrellas and parasols still remain today and are in possession of the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum. In their great variety of forms, materials and functions a lively picture of the “people behind the umbrellas and parasols” manifests; because as that which remained, they stand – pars pro toto – for that which did not remain – the people. Thus each and every one tells the story of persecution, dispossession, suffering and death – and the story of a person’s life. But only, if you allow it to speak. Because whether as mass or single object, the perception varies and thus makes (his)story (in) visible. And with the perception oscillating between stuff and witness the conservatory approach changed. But how is this sheer mass of things, this memory of many, to be dealt with? How can registration, documentation and cleaning be efficient and application-oriented but also consider individual needs and conservatory demands? A solution approach, based on and developed by conceptual considerations and exemplary series of tests, attempts to approach the problem. |
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