Alexander Mock: | A Rococo wall decoration – attachement of wodden application on textile carrier | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The following work is a empircally creation of the concept for the reapplication of wodden application on a textile carrier. This concept is for four rococo wall decorations. First of all needs to be clarrified, how the objects built up and what is there serve. The objects has a oval frame but the content is missing. It is not clear what belongs in these frames. In the course of investigation for the objects history could be found a watercolour of the year 1835. This showed the four objects in the great hall of the envoy home in Leinstraße 19 at hannover. This building was tore off. Two issues could be clarified. At first the objects contains unknown portraits and at second the oibjects was a part of a complete wall covering. But these picture does not clear why wodden elements are apply on a textile. The wodden pieces are carved, gilded and built up like ordinary decorative frames. The investigations at the objects determine that they are prcessed well. The wood joints are over flattened and only glued. There are no traces of other variants of connections like nails or dowel. This is to clarify how the constructions gets her stability and how to recover this. A test series on testpanels is used to clear that the glued connection of wodden pieces among themselves is sufficient for a good stabilization. The connection between the wodden pieces and textile seems from a decorative charakter. The difficult to decide in the case which role has the textile goes hand in hand with the fact that they circumsised at the boardes of the wodden frames. This means it is not to say that a bigger tenter or even not. The test series shows one more result for the concept of reapplication from wodden application on a textile carrier. If the wodden pieces glued simul and after that on the textile, the objects redire pars of their originally stability. A completed stability is not to guarantee because of the lost parts. |
Schlagworte: | Rococo, wall decoration, textile carrier, wooden applications |
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