Merit Leona Kahl: | The baroque high altar from the former royal court cathedral in Brunswick. Survey and documentation and transport and storage of the architectural components | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | The wooden high altar manufactured for the former royal court cathedral in Brunswick is an outstanding piece of art from the baroque era of northern Germany. It was built by the sculptor Anton Detlef Jenner and the master carpenter Heinrich Siebenhaar of Brunswick between 1727 and 1728. The impressive altar, originally three storeys high, has nowadays fallen into oblivion. On account of the historicizing romanization of the cathedral in the 19th century, the baroque high altar was removed in 1895. Today it’s part of the collection of the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum. The architectural components have since 2004 been stored in an attic belonging to the museum not providing the environment for a long-term preservation. Due to the structure of the attic, it’s a challenging task to move the diverse and fragile objects to an appropriate museum depot. This master thesis aims to survey and document the architectural components and their conditions and manufacturing techniques. It introduces the preserving measures taken for the preparation of a future transport and presents a concept of individual, object-specific transport packaging. Guidelines are given for transport execution and further storage. In conclusion, new possibilities and techniques for the museum presentation of the baroque high altar are introduced, in order for it to not disappear from consciousness anymore. |
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Kontakt: |
Merit Leona Kahl merit.kahl@[Diesen Teil loeschen]gmail.com |
Anmerkung Autor/in: |
In Zusammenarbeit mit Alexandra Johanna Juliana Voll |
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