Sarah Zwanzig: | Zurück | |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The thesis deals with the collection of Christmas‐tree decoration at the Historic Museum Basel. The collection which has grown gradually over the years consists in objects made of many different materials. With about 400 pieces, the glass objects from Lauscha form the largest group among them. The collection represents the development of Christmas‐tree decoration from around 1860 to today. In the first part of the thesis the different material groups are discussed, including information about the history and production. Through a survey the present situation in other collections is being screened. A conservation and restoration concept is introduced, based on analysis of the colours used for decorating the objects, their present condition and the existing damage. The problems of exhibiting the objects and general ethical questions are discussed. The second part shows the evaluation process of finding suitable consolidation materials and methods for the various paint coats and application materials used on the Lauscha glass objects. Consolidation materials are discussed and tested on specially produced samples. Cleaning and bonding of the glass objects were tested in the same way. Finally some selected glass objects from the Basel collection were treated exemplary. |
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