
Verena Bernhard: Zurück

Sprache: Original   -   Übersetzung
Zusammenfassung: Numerous works of the Bavarian Rococo sculptor Franz Ignaz Günther (1725‐1775) are delivered and
in the past more or less investigated until today. In the context of this work so far two hardly‐known
and little opened holy sculptures could be worked on. Here it concerns two life‐size sculptures,
whose iconography is not yet clarified. One speculates that it concerns St Peter and St Paul.
These where examined 1957 in the Bavarian national office (BLfD) for the care of monuments
Munich and restored in the sense and methods of the time. This restoration contained opening
strongly sculptures revised in 19th century, on only more the fragmentary original version. Large
portions had to be reconstructed and/or retouched. From the time of 1957 exist still notes and slides,
which document the measures.
With the available work retrospectively on the restoration history of the two sculptures detailed
scientific investigations are made, which should be the basis for a version reconstruction as well as
an evaluation of the condition. Then a concept for the conservation and restoration can be provided,
in order to be able to find suitable measures, which do justice to a presentation in the premises of
the Diocesan Museum Freising. The sketched conservation and restoration concept are finally
converted at sample axles.


weitere Angaben:
  • Hochschule: FH Erfurt
  • Art der Arbeit:  Diplomarbeit
  • Abgabedatum:  2006

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