Martina Klinkert: | Late medieaval wall paintings in the village church of rosian. Examination of techniques, investigation of building interior and condition, developing a conservation approach and suggesting possible ways for presentation | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | Late-medieaval wall paintings situated in a field stone-constructed church. The examination of the techniques and the investigation of the condition of the wall paintings were basical to develop a suitable conservation approach and to suggest possible ways of restoration to improve their appearance. Investigation of the building interieur with focus on the choir area. Suggestions for a suitable presentation, resconsidering general problems of uncovering wall paintings and the influence of moisture and salts. |
Schlagworte: | Murals, incision, uncovering, village church, crust, late medieaval, lime, paint |
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