Lea Ruhnke: | Examination of six masks from New Ireland in the collection of the Grassi Museum fuer Voelkerkunde zu Leipzig and the exemplary conservation and resoration of two of them / Compilation of catalogues of criteria regarding art technology, applied natural material and condition of Tatanua- and Kipong- masks | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The diploma thesis deals with the examination of art technology and condition of six Tatanua- and Kipong-masks originating from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. For two masks conservational measures are undertaken. The main practical task is to consolidate the matt water insoluble lime paint. Archaeometrical and biological methods are used to identify natural matter on the masks. As theoretical part, two catalogues of criteria regarding art technology and used matters, further a third catalogue of condition of Tatanua- and Kipong-masks are created. |
Schlagworte: | Tatanua-mask, Kipong-mask, New Ireland, Papua Neu Guinea, ethnological objects, consolodation of lime paint on wood, ethnobotany, identification of natural matter on masks of New Ireland, catalogue for art technology and conditionreport |
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