Martina Beyer: | The survey, conservation and restoration of the sculpture „malangan-statue, Province New Ireland, Nr. AL 118“ from the collection owned by the Mauritianum Natural History Museum in Altenburg / The possibilities for presentation of the malangan-statue, regarding conservational and exhibition-formatively aspects | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This thesis describes the conservation and restoration of an ethnographic object previously used for rituals, which was crafted around 1900 in the New Ireland Province. It consists of a malangan figure from the collection owned by the Mauritianum Natural History Museum in Altenburg. Conservation measures primarily focused on consolidating the powdering polychromie and on re-sticking broken wooden, textile an wax fragments. The theoretical part oft he work addressed the possibilities of restoring the damagend carving to an upright position for presentation and storage while taking into account exhibition-formatively aspects. |
Schlagworte: | Malangan; New Ireland Province, polychrome wooden sculpture, powdering polychromie, conservation, restoration, mount |
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