Mine Erhan: | The examination, conservation and restoration oft he painting „Italinische Küstenlandschaft“ by Joh. Wagner from the collection oft he Stadt- und Bergbaumuseum Freiberg / Digital reconstruction via image processing software based on technological examination and approach to the manufacturing process | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | The present diploma thesis is based on the painting „Italienische Küstenlandschaft“, dating around 1900, from the collection of the Stadt- und Bergbaumuseum Freiberg. Water damage has caused overall lack of adhesion as well as losses within the stratigraphy. The original frame also is in bad condition due to many losses of its gilded surface. The central aspects of the thesis are in depth examination as well as complex consolidation and the development of a concept to digitally re-integrate losses. |
Schlagworte: | Lack of adhesion, consolidation, digital reconstruction, re-integration of losses, digital retouching, surface structuring, water damage |
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