Emilia Sleczek: | Bach im Winter (Dargun)“, 1920, Marie Hager, Staatliches Museum Schwerin - Conservation and restoration of a folded painting, contaminated by smoke from tobacco and secretions from flies / Secretions from flies on the painting „Bach im Winter (Dargun)“, 1920, Marie Hager – Phenomenology and treatment proposal | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The practical diploma thesis aimed at the restoration of the painting „Bach im Winter“, 1920, by Marie Hager. Its meaning in the art history, provenance, painting technique and condition were examined, moreover a restoration concept was developed. The painting had been folded at all edges and was severely contaminated by smoke from tobacco and secretions from flies. Within the diploma the original format was restored by humidification with the help of Gore-Tex® and a temporary-stretcher equipped by hook-and-loop tape. Then the painting was consolidated and cleaned. The theoretical portion of the diploma thesis deals with the contamination caused by flies. |
Schlagworte: | impressionism, Marie Hager, fly secretions, fly spots, fly droppings, soot, smoke from tobacco, cigarette smoke, nicotine, foldings, deformations, bends, hook-and-loop tape, clamps, temporary stretcher, humidification, Gore-Tex®, reconstruction of the original format dimensions, cleaning |
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