Luise Kober: | The Conservation of the retable hailed from the Ossa village church / The removal of dirt deposit from light bonded smaltpaint of the retable hailed from the Ossa village church | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This diploma thesis deals with investigation and conservation issues related to the retable hailed from the Ossa village church. Of the retable only the back panel, three sculptures and decorative columns have survived. The depicted calvary scene originates in the late 14 hundreds while the back panel is a later addition from the 17th century. Due to its fragile condition the surfaces were previously secured with paper facing and the wooden panel was secured in a support frame. Thesis and treatment aim of rearranging the seperated parts while taking into account the retable’s fragmentary nature. The theoretical section focuses on investigating a cleaning method for removing dirt from the porous smalte layer on the panel surface. |
Schlagworte: | retable, fragment, surface cleaning, matte paint, cleaning tests, smalt, lasercleaning |
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