Elisabeth von Rogall: | The late gothic polychromatic epitaph of Cologne archbishop Dietrich von Moers in the Cathedral of Cologne Art technological analysis and concept for conservation and restauration treatments of the three sculptures and their basis | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The late gothic epitaph of Cologne archbishop Dietrich von Moers in the Cathedral of Cologne is unique among the medieval tombs this Cathedral. It is composed of polychromatic stone sculptures. The epitaph, which is ascribed to master builder Konrad Kuyn, was commissioned in 1460 by the archbishop himself. The epitaph has not yet been studied properly as to the technologies of arts/in terms of art technologies. This master thesis elaborates the inventory and condition of the three sculptures and their basis. The first focus is on the art technological analysis of the paint layers, which facilitated a reconstruction of the manufacturing process and the work history until the 20th century. Evolved from the previous examination, a second focus is on creating a concept for conservation and restauration treatments. |
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