Frances Bartzok-Busch: | Three textile coated relics with anthropomorphic forms out of a find of the Roermond Munsterkerk – Technological finding, historico-cultural classification and considerations for future trust | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | In 2013 a large find of relics could be recovered out of an altar of the Munsterkerk in Roermond. Besides numerous ‘Sacred Heads’ and ‘Klosterarbeiten’ this hoard contains three textile-coated relics with an anthropomorphic form. These relics are primarily composed of bones and textile fabrics. Two of them have been designed in the form of little girls. The third one has a head with an elongated bottom part. During the work for this thesis the saving of the find has been documented as well as the three anthropomorphic relics were recorded and analyzed technologically. Based on the results a historical classification of these three objects was done. In this process astonishing insights about the customs and practices in the Munster Abbey could be achieved. Furthermore the paper presents considerations for future storage of the relics. |
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