Juliane Rieder: | 75 sceneries for mechanical theaters (c. 1860, collection of the Viennese Theater Museum): studies on cardboard production in the 19th cent., restoration and reconstruction of a stage situation | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The 75 sceneries made of painted cardboard are part of a privately built and operated mechanical theatre. The sceneries can be dated back to the second half of the 19th century and belong to the collection of Vienna’s Theatre Museum. Mechanical theatres were a popular art form that was used on fairs to give the people an understanding of the world by showing them landscapes, scenes from everyday life or current political events. The stages of these mechanical theatres were up to four metres wide and several metres high and were played on using puppets or mechanical figures made of cardboard or sheet metal. Amongst the studied objects are rebuilt parts of sceneries of operas and plays that were very popular at the time. This study examines the numerous materials that were used including cardboard, paper, wood, metal and textile with the main focus being on the cardboard. Eventually, three sceneries have been restored, and based on research into the construction of the stages; these could be mounted in one stage in a way true to the original and be presented in Vienna’s Theatre Museum. |
Schlagworte: | cardboard and paperboard, 19th century, strengthening of Gouache on cardboard, reconstruction of mechanical theatres |
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