Sylvia Karner: | An Egyptian coffin lid (Dynasty 21/22) from the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: Conservation and development of a concept for dealing with old restorations | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | An Egyptian coffin lid (Dynasty 21/22) from the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna: conservation and development of a systematic approach dealing with a recent restoration. The anthropoid wooden coffin lid belonging to the outer coffin of But-har-chensu from the 3rd Intermediate Period is composed of 23 wood sections that are edge joint together with loose tongues and dowels. The lid presents itself with typical varnish and multicolored figures on yellow ground. Restoration treatment during the 20th century resulted in inappropriate alignments of some wood sections and as a result the integration of the whole foot part and several other polychrome fragments is impossible due to the lid. The goal of the conservation and restoration was to enable a correct and complete reassembly of all existing structural and decorative elements. The practical part of this diploma thesis was the conservation of the paint layer and the development of a systematic approach dealing with the old restoration. To select suitable conservation materials and mixtures, tests were performed. The paint layers were consolidated with a mixture of sturgeon glue and funori. The filling of the cavities between the preparation layer and the wood was undertaken with glass micro-balloons and rabbit skin glue. To keep the coffin lid stable during the disassembly process, a secondary supporting structure was developed that allows access from all directions. For the large gaps between the joints, a new filling material was developed using Superlite® and Poraver® bound with gypsum. |
Schlagworte: | Egyptian coffin lid, Dynasty 21/2, polychromy, funori, sturgeon glue, Poraver®, secondary supporting structure |
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