Lea Huck: | The problem of greying due to overpainting: Examination of the baroque ceiling paintings of Carlo Innocenzo Carlone in the parish church Groß Siegharts (Lower Austria): Planning of the treatment and conservation-restoration of a pilot area | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The baroque ceiling paintings in the parish church in Groß Siegharts in Lower Austria are painted by Carlo Innocenzo Carlone in 1727 using a lime fresco technique. The frescoes depict the ascension of Virgin Mary, as well as scenes from the life of John the Baptizer and the apostles. In the 19th century these fresco paintings were overpainted using drying oils and lead white. Over time this choice of materials led to significant darkening of the overpaints. Later in the 1950s conservation work was undertaken to remove the darkened overpaint from the historic surface. While the overall appearance and readability of the fresco paintings could be improved the overpaints could not be removed completely. By 2014 the ceiling paintings present themselves again in a darkened state. The presented thesis therefore focuses on factors involved in the mechanism causing the blackening of the paints with the goal to find appropriate methods and materials to remove the darkened overpaint. Preliminary the history of origins of the fresco as well as the conservation history was studied and samples of the materials were analysed. The results of tests and literature searches led to the selection of different mixtures to perform a series of experiments. The best results for removing the modified and grey layer of the overpaint could be achieved with an EDTA mixture. At last the removal of the oily overpaint was accomplished using ammonium bicarbonate applied as poultices. |
Schlagworte: | Carlo Innocenzo Carlone, lime fresco, lead white, darkening, EDTA, ammonium bicarbonate poultices |
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