Josefin Tönjes: | A dedicated cabinet from the Kunstverein Hannover (1901) in possession of the historical museum Hannover - Technological investigation and classification in art history | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This paper is about a cabinet which was dedicated to the secretary Theodor Schulze on the occasion of his 70th birthday on 19th august 1901 by the Kunstverein Hannover. Based on the primarily and secondarily available information a classification into the art-historical context takes place. The participating artists from Hannover and the buildings depicted in a translucent painting will be presented. In regard of the production effort and the materials used as well as the object history the importance of this neoclassical cabinet is described. A technological investigation treats the unusual appearance of this furniture. The aspects of the design and construction were explored. As specifics Bird’s eye maple stained in green, some different fillings of metal casting and a staggered top are to mention. |
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