Anna Gillmann: | A lintel from the Mastaba of Nenki in Sakkara(6th Dynasty). Possibilities of reconstruction and presentation | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | This master thesis deals with the possibilities of reconstruction and presentation of a lintel from the 6th dynasty from the Mastaba of Nenki at Saqqara. The lintel is from the collection of the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig and has a hieroglyphic text on it. Before the second world war the lintel consisted of ten fragments, the hieroglyphic text was largely complete. During the Second World War the lintel was so badly damaged that it now consists of 52 items and is only in fragments. Over half of the object has been lost. The existence and condition of the lintel was taken. On this basis a conservation and restoration concept was developed. The 52 fragments of the lintel was 3D scanned and the data obtained milling templates prepared for a later addition. Furthermore, two sample-millings were made, which are intended to illustrate how a later reconstruction could look like. In addition, presentation possibilities in the museum have been elaborated. |
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Kontakt: |
Anna Gillmann Anna.Gillmann@[Diesen Teil loeschen]gmx.de |
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