Caroline Ocks: | Two Thangkas from Tibet, 19th century Scientific material investigations and conservation. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This thesis focuses on two Tibetan thangkas which are in different condition of preservation due to various previous treatments. The aim of the conservation is to bring together the optical appearance of both thangkas through minimal intervention. This includes the attempt to reduce a protein-based adhesive which was applied over the paintings in a previous treatment, the tear mending of the support as well as minimal inpainting. Additionally stitching repairs of the damaged areas of the textile mounting are carried out. Furthermore a new concept for the hanging to improve the presentation is developed. Based on scientific material investigations the clarification of the composition in combination with art historical research offers an attribution to an iconographical program, as well as to narrow the dating and provenience. |
Schlagworte: | Thangka, protein bound paint layers, adhesive reduction, tear mending, stitching repairs |
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