Annaick Elise Keruzec: | An Assesment of the textile Objects from the former Concentration- and Exterminationcamp Auschwitz – Significance and search for traces as well as conservational Considerations | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The textile objects from the former concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz have an important role in imparting knowledge about the crimes committed by the National Socialists. The history of textiles in former concentration camps has hardly been examined as to their socio-cultural meaning. Questions concerning ethical, religious and historical aspects help the conservator when searching for new methods of conservation. A survey of the collection showed that the storing conditions are in urgent need of review. Therefore, improvements to the storage of the textile collection are proposed. This encompasses planning a suitable shelving system and the arrangement of the room where the textile objects are stored. Through an improved storage of the objects, their preservation can be ensured over a longer time period. This, on the other hand, enables and facilitates research of all aspects mentioned and helps to maintain a collective historical memory. |
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