Constanze Grabs: | Basic considerations and techniques for the replacement of losses in veneered furniture with transparent coatings (in cooperation with Anna Haas) | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | The thesis presents different possibilities for the replacement of losses in veneered furniture, summing up the existing research and discussing the practicability of different methods. The complex problem of replacing veneer losses is revealed by handling the theme in its general context (veneered furniture in general, ethics, aesthetics, methods, techniques, materials). To illustrate the theoretical results, test panels were made for showing retouching techniques and materials as well as fill materials and innovative materials (replacement with photographic reproduction). The bibliography gives a comprehensive overview of current and historic literature on the topic of the replacement of losses. |
Schlagworte: | replacement of losses, veneered furniture, veneer, test panels, methods, techniques, aesthetic, ethics, photographic reproduction, retouching, fill materials |
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Kontakt: |
Constanze Grabs constanzegrabs@[Diesen Teil loeschen]hotmail.de |
Zugehörige Internetseite | http://www.hornemann-institut.de/german/epubl_hochschularbeiten1895.php |
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