Barbara Ebeling: | Cleaning and Presentation Concept of a unique Amazonian Feather Object | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This thesis deals with the feather object 1673 V from the ethnographic collection of the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim. The only source of information on this object is the entry in the inventory records from 1906, which defines it as “Rückenschmuck”, coming from Brazil, Acre. It was decided that for this thesis the feather object would be called a “back ornament”. Research of its cultural environment is based on comparisons with back ornaments from Brazil made of similar feathers from tribes living in and around the state of Acre, Brazil. Originally the presentation concept should have been a main theme, but as it was decided that the feather object should remain in storage, a detailed technological analysis was carried out and, based on this, a cleaning concept was developed. To find a suitable method for cleaning feathers techniques found in literature from all conservation disciplines were looked at. A few publications deal with studies on cleaning methods ranging form traditional to state of the art methods using a laser. Some of these methods were tested on sample feathers and an optical analysis of the cleaning methods was done, using a hand-held colour photometer and a Keyence Digital Microscope. Based on consolidation methods of feathers taken from literature a consolidation concept could be established, tested and carried out. |
Inhalt: | Contents Page Introduction 6 1 Identification 8 1.1 Description 8 2 Provenance 10 2.1 The Museum 10 2.1.1 Conservation Treatment of the Ethnographic Collection 11 General Information about Pesticides in Ethnographic Collections 11 2.2 Cultural Environment 12 2.2.1 A Brief History of South America 13 2.3 The Symbolism of some Birds and their Feathers 14 2.3.1 Genus Harpia 16 2.3.2 Genus Ara 17 2.3.3 Genus Cacique, Psarocolius 18 2.4 Comparative Objects 19 2.5 Résumé 21 3 Technological Analysis 23 3.1 Material and Condition 23 3.1.1 The Bamboo Rods 23 Defining Bamboo 23 Condition of the Bamboo rods 24 3.1.2 The Strings 25 Defining String 25 Condition of the Strings 25 3.1.3 The Feathers 28 Defining a Feather 28 What constitutes a Feather 29 Uropygial Oil 30 The Parts of the Feather 31 The Colours of Feathers 34 3.1.4 Harpy Feathers 36 Identification 36 Condition of the Harpy Feathers 37 3.1.5 The Pom-Poms 38 Identification 38 Condition of the Pom-poms 38 3.1.6 The loose Feathers from the Groups 1-3 39 Identification of the White Feathers 40 Condition of the White Feathers 41 Identification of the Yellow Feathers 41 Condition of the Yellow Feathers 41 Identification of the Orange/ Red/ Yellow/ Brown/ Blue Feathers 42 Condition of the Orange/ Red/ Yellow/ Brown/ Blue Feathers 43 Identification of the Red Feathers 43 Condition of the Red Feathers 44 3.1.7 Résumé of the Materials and their Condition 45 3.2 Construction 47 3.2.1 The Bamboo rods 47 3.2.2 The Harpy Feathers 48 3.2.3 The Pom-Poms 48 3.2.4 The Sting Rosettes 49 3.2.5 The Feather Bundles 50 3.2.6 Résumé of the Construction 51 3.3 Insects on Ethnographic Collections 52 3.3.1 Lepidoptera (Moths) 53 3.3.2 Coleoptera (Beetles) 55 3.6 Insect Presence on the Back Ornament 57 3.6.1 Résumé of the Insect Presence 59 4 Conservation Concept 60 4.1 Environment 60 4.1.1 Light 60 4.1.2 Temperature 61 4.1.3 Relative Humidity 61 4.1.4 Pest Control 62 4.1.5 Health Precautions 62 4.2 Cleaning the Back Ornament 63 4.2.1 Cleaning the Bamboo 63 4.2.2 Cleaning the Strings 64 4.2.3 Cleaning the Feathers 64 The Influence of Temperature on Feathers 65 The Influence of Light on Feathers 65 The Influence of Solvents on Feathers 65 4.2.4 Dry Cleaning Methods for Feathers in Literature 66 Vacuum Cleaner 66 Rubber 67 4.2.5 Moist Cleaning Methods for Feathers in Literature 69 Swabs 70 Total Immersion 70 Ultrasound 71 Sponges 72 Gels and Poultices 72 4.2.6 Laser 73 4.2.7 Résumé of Cleaning Methods 74 4.3 Cleaning Tests on Feathers 75 4.3.1 Dry Cleaning Tests on Feathers 77 Vacuum cleaner 77 Rubber 77 Cotton Swab coated with Plextol D360 78 4.3.2 Moist Cleaning Tests on Feathers 79 Swabs 79 Sponge 79 Running water 80 4.4 Analysis and Results of the Cleaning Tests on the Feathers 80 4.5 Résumé of the Cleaning Tests 84 4.6 Cleaning Concept 85 4.6.1 Application 85 5 Consolidation 91 5.6 Consolidating the Orange Feather no. 4 from Group 2 91 5.1.1 Tests 92 5.1.2 Application 94 5.7 Consolidating the White Feather no. 8 from Group 1 96 5.7.1 Tests 96 5.2.2 Application 97 5.8 The Bamboo Rod 98 5.8.1 Application 98 6 Storage 98 6.6 Depot Room 99 6.4.1 Storage Box 99 Construction 100 7 Recommendation for the Presentation 101 8 Final Conclusion 104 9 List of Materials and Suppliers 107 10 Bibliography 109 10.6 References 111 10.7 Internet adresses 118 10.2.1 Product Data Sheet Sources 126 11 List of Figures 127 11.6 Sources of Figures 129 12 List of Tables 131 13 Appendix 132 Appendix 1: Chart Sheet Insect Remains Appendix 2: Chart Sheet of the Harpy Feathers Appendix 3: Chart Sheet of Group 1 Appendix 4: Chart Sheet of Group 2 Appendix 5: Chart Sheet of Group 2 Appendix 6: Chart Sheet of the Bamboo Rods Appendix 7: Chart Sheet of the Strings Appendix 8: Optical Analysis of the Cleaning Tests Appendix 9: Testo Climatic Monitoring Appendix 10: Material Safety Data Sheets |
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