Jessica Löwe: | Archaeological wet leather Complexing agents for treatment of deposits and encrustations of iron compounds | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | The aim of this dissertation is, in addition to the restoration and conservation of three mediaeval leather shoe-finds from Eberswalde, Bran- denburg, to testing action and efficiency of three different chemical complexing/chelating sequestering)agents like EDTA, citric acid and oxalic acid and their salts on deposits and encrustations of iron compounds. On comparable leather samples it is examined optimal parameters of treatment like temperature, pH value and addition of ascorbic acid as reducing agent. Following the changes of content of iron, tanning agent and the condition of leather is documented and evaluated. For Analysis spectrophotometry, colour measurement and infrared spectroscopy is used among others. Finally it is recommended and applied a method for the treatment of the present leather. |
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Kontakt: |
Jessica Löwe Jessica.Loewe_Restaurierung@[Diesen Teil loeschen]web.de |
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