Hanno Alsen: | Storage, packing and archiving of small toys on the basis of examples from the toy-collection of the Altonaer Museum in Hamburg | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
![]() An example of a packing for small toys
Zusammenfassung: | This bachelor-thesis deals with the packaging of small toys from the collection of the Altonaer Museum in Hamburg. Exemplarily, 1000 objects are to be packed in suitable packing which is to be found. The packing has to meet the criteria of protective, preventive conservation, as well as presenting the object and helping to find it quickly. The correct labelling of the packing and the data collection of the objects in the database “DokBase” shall make the management of the objects easier. Finally, the packing is to be calculated more precisely. The price and total working time are to be calculated and possibilities of financing to be listed. This assignment is part of a complete concept of re-organisation of the storeroom for toys. However, its use is not limited to small toys, but may also be an example for any small objects. In the limits of the thesis, it will just be possible to work on a small part of the object in the storeroom. Therefore it focuses on the packing of small toys found in a glass cabinet, which is mainly filled with tin toys and objects made of plastic and wood. |
![]() One of the planed boxes to collect the rastered single packings.
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Kontakt: |
Hanno Alsen Hanno.Alsen@[Diesen Teil loeschen]gmx.net |
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